The Call of the Whippoorwill

In my last blog, I wrote about how times have changed since I was a girl. I miss a lot of those times. One thing I didn’t write about, and which I sincerely miss, is hearing the call of the whippoorwill. The whippoorwill is a night bird, a fascinating bird, and second only to the […]

Whistling in the Wind

Did you ever try whistling in the wind? A whistle doesn’t go far in windy conditions and I’m sure my whistling won’t either, this morning, but this is my viewpoint on the plan for a proposed new part of Highway 82 in northeast Oklahoma: it stinks!  Hwy. 82 is a dangerous road; most highways are. […]

The Blight of Progress

The Blight of Progress

Sure, I know “you can’t stop progress.” I’ve heard that many times and fear it may be largely true. Question is, where is this march of progress leading? I’m all for progress in medicine, in doing things better (not necessarily faster) and for headway made against the ills of mankind. What I’m not for is senseless […]