If You or I Were a Mouse in the House

If You or I Were a Mouse in the House

If I had been a mouse  yesterday, scurrying around my house, I might have heard the chatter of four women who got together over coffee and black-bottom cupcakes around the hundred-year old table in my dining room. If I had been a cat, I would have headed for the cushion in front of the fireplace […]

She Battles the Buttercups

She Battles the Buttercups

Carolyn loves her farm, but she does not love the buttercups that grow in wild profusion in her pasture. Why? They crowd out the grass and the cows don’t like those tiny yellow flowers that glisten in the sun like freshly churned butter. So, in order for the cows to have nice, nutritious blades of […]

Thoughts For Early Morning

Thoughts For Early Morning

We were going to do the interview via Skype but, somehow, I missed adding a setting, so Nancy Kay Grace came to my house instead. Sitting at the hundred-year old table which had never hosted a radio interview in all its long life, Nancy opened her laptop, clicked a few buttons, and we were ready […]

The Grace Impact

The Grace Impact

Today, I am very pleased to introduce to you my friend Nancy Kaye Grace. Nancy will be talking about her newly-released book, The Grace Impact. I love the title of her post, don’t you? A Magnificent Mystery by Nancy Kay Grace Mysteries are intriguing because we are drawn into the story with a need to know […]

Here Am I

Here Am I

What should I do with my life, Lord? I’ve heard people pray that prayer over and over, agonizing on what God wants them to do. To me, it’s pretty simple but then, maybe I’m not looking deep enough, I just know that for me, I’ve found the answer. I know from reading the Bible that […]

The Potter’s Hands and the Writer

The Potter’s Hands and the Writer

The Potter’s Hand and the Writer Have you ever watched a child create something with play dough? They squeeze and roll it in their hands repeatedly. Maybe it will become something, like a snake or ball. When it’s finished, there’s a good possibility that it will be smashed into a lump, as it was in […]