An Ireland Visit

A light rain is falling. I’m pretty sure it is raining in Ireland, too, where St. Patrick’s Day originated.  While I was there, rain was sometimes hard but never stormy.  Each day of my visit to Ireland is a memory I store away and bring out now and then, as I do this morning.  Our […]

A Leprechaun in My Pocket

Warning: Best read with tongue in cheek. An Amazing Leprechaun Story  This is a reprint of a story I told a few years ago. A fantastic tale of a stowaway in my pocket. Is it true? Well, I’ll let you be the judge. And, by the way, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I took a warm, […]

What Lay in the Murky Bog?

What Lay in the Murky Bog?

Mallory sank down on a rock, trying to catch her breath. The night was so dark she couldn’t see a foot in front of her. Wispy tendrils of fog, like bony, white fingers curled around leaning headstones . Far, far below her, the Irish Sea pounded relentlessly against the coast. She had no idea where […]

When All Else Fails

Tears of frustration blurred my vision. Why had I even seen that small beacon to the outside world when it was evidently far beyond my reach? How could I, a lady of indeterminate age, ever hope to scale these rocky walls? Even a college athlete might find it a lost cause. It would have been […]

Dwindling Hope

I don’t know how long I sat on the rocky floor of the cave. My phone was back in my cottage and I had no wrist watch. But, at last, a smidgen of coherent thought got through the panic. What had caused the boulder to fall, blocking my escape? It must have had something to […]



I closed my eyes. Surely, this was a nightmare. But, when I looked again, the chest and the skeleton were still there, a few feet in front of me. The room was taller than the tunnel. I could stand upright.  And, it wasn’t as dark as the tunnel. The sound of the sea was deafening […]