Changeable March

Meandering Thoughts on Animals

Meandering Thoughts on Animals

It’s fun to notice the behavior of animals and wonder just how much they know. In looking back at a past post, I found this from my neighbor Peg: She was watering a lilac bush and she noticed a hummingbird flying in the spray. Afraid that the force of the water would hurt the fragile […]

Changeable March

A Threat on the Prairie

Sophie pointed to a large, spreading cottonwood standing like a lonely sentinel atop a knoll in the vastness of the prairie. “Oh, let’s forget about it for now and not let that miserable Tom Mott spoil a perfectly nice day. There’s a spring over there by those trees and some flat rocks. It’s a good […]

The Win That Wasn’t

Yesterday, I watched the 145th Run for the Roses–the Kentucky Derby. It was a wonderful scene, although the day was wet, the track was wet, the lovely and extravagant hats were wet, the horses and jockeys were wet. It’s a day that many people look forward to all year. What do I like about it? […]

March and Changeable Moods

March and Changeable Moods