Dog Days

July 3 through August 11 (approximately) are the “dog days of summer.” But, why are these hottest, most humid days, related to our canine friends? Perhaps, it’s because of the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star. At least, this is what some of the ancients  believed. These sticky days of summer affected them too.  Summers […]

Ah, Those Summer Memories!

Ah, Those Summer Memories!

Those summer memories of childhood! I remember running barefoot through tickly grass, walking through dusty places and feeling warm dust puff up between my toes, dancing quickly over rocks that were too hot for lingering.  Summer was hot, but I didn’t mind. It was the way summer was supposed to be. Of course, if we had […]

Those Were the Days

Yesterday, just a chance remark when my brother and I were talking led me to think of olden days and dig out a little blue plastic box. In that box, I had stuck a few things from my much, much younger days. It was a fun, light-hearted journey as I remembered putting them there. There […]

Summer Memories

These August days begin with a still, cool morning. Other days, other Augusts come to mind. I remember August days when I was a child. I remember running barefoot through tickly grass, walking through dusty places and feeling warm dust puff up between my toes, dancing quickly over rocks that were too hot for lingering. […]

Where’d They Go?

Where’d They Go?

Does anybody remember those lazy, hot days of summer when you were a child? Do you remember lying on your back on the grass, gazing up at the blue, blue sky and those puffy, white clouds floating lazily through? Wasn’t it fun to imagine all kinds of shapes in the clouds, a giraffe, an elephant, […]

Oh, oh. See Spot.

Where would I have been without them? Dick and Jane, Baby Sally, Spot, Puff, Mother and Father–they people the paper back books of my first readers and I remember them fondly. They were good friends. “Oh, oh. See Spot. See Puff. Oh, oh.” Such simple little sentences, but leading on to other, bigger, greater things–the […]