The A, B, Cs of Wild Critters

As I wrote this, I drew a few pictures to illustrate, but what I really had was a vision of a large, published picture book for little ones who might enjoy it. If you’ve never seen river cane, let me tell you that it resembles bamboo, is tall and straight and very tough. It makes […]

Warm and Comforting

Do you ever enjoy going to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Sometimes, I retreat into childishness and have a doughnut (or two or three) and a cup of hot chocolate. I read or write a children’s story and there I am until I feel grown-up enough to take on the world […]

Where Is Elmer Now?

He was been around for two generations–that’s a pretty good long while for an earthworm. Maybe it’s because he was daring and brave or just went from one adventure to the next without noticing the passing of time. His name was Elmer and he existed only in my imagination and in the minds of children. […]

Three Good Friends

Myrtle, Minerva, and Maude were three good friends. Each week, they met at one of their houses to share tea, a bite of something sweet, and the latest news. Myrtle was a beautiful hen with red feathers; Minerva was equally lovely in feathers of brown and Maude’s feathers were a gorgeous, snowy white. To be […]

Tom the Terrible

Tough Tom the Barn Cat             Tough Tom was a barn cat. He really didn’t start out to be a barn cat. And, the Day family who lived on the farm didn’t think they needed a cat, but there he was. It all began on a cold, windy, sleety winter day. When Chris went to […]

Owlbert Learns to Fly

Fly, Owlbert! Owlbert liked his dark, cozy home in the old oak tree. It was comfortable; it was warm. He slept all day and at night, Mama and Papa Owl brought him tasty morsels. What more could one small owl ask? “It’s time to learn to fly, Owlbert,” Mother owl hooted softly. “All little owlets […]